Looking for local leadership on energy generation in Surrey

Community Energy South is working with Surrey County Council with support from Surrey Climate Commission to develop a Community Energy Generation Society for the whole county. Over the year, we will create a large renewable energy generation project with plans for several more.

We are looking for the first project sites

Ideal initial projects will likely be ground mounted or rooftop solar PV on sites which are:

  • Large, simple rooftops with space for at least a 100kW solar array (around the size of a tennis court). But much bigger than that would be better.
  • Occupied by an energy user keen purchase most/all of the energy generated which will be lower than grid price.  Note exporting energy to the grid depends on permissions, offers lower pricing and can’t be forecasted long term.
  • A willing freeholder to lease the roof.
  • Sites without obvious planning restrictions, shading etc.

We’re looking for local volunteer leaders

Leaders will be adults in work, studying or already volunteering through the many, brilliant energy and climate groups across the county.

Around 8 will become the board of directors, everyone else will be the wider expert group.

Could this be you?

  • Do you have skills in looking after projects, communicating them, creating financial projections and reviewing leases?
  • Can you volunteer a few hours per week to help make this happen?
  • Do you know of local sites which may be ideal for solar projects to happen?


As part of a small, senior team you’ll:

  • Create the governance and ensure the Society runs according.
  • Design projects.
  • Manage raising the finances.
  • Deliver and manage projects.
  • Be liable for a maximum sum of £1.

Community Energy South and Surrey County Council will support the group by:

  • Helping to form the business which will be a Community Benefit Society – a type of business commonly known as a ‘co-op’ which has the power to raise share investment and lock the assets for community benefit only.
  • Explaining how the finances work by paying investors back long term through revenue generated by energy sales.
  • Nurture collaboration and communication to ensure the projects are what is needed locally, people are empowered and investment can be raised.
  • Seeking ideal projects and local stakeholders.
  • Providing high level feasibility assessment of potential projects.
  • Providing guidance and training on technical requirements, policies and procedures.

Nominate yourself by completing this form.

Nominate sites for projects by completing this form.

If you have any questions or if you’re a local landowner looking for inspiration contact nicola.davidson@communityenergysouth.org.


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