Community Energy South is supported by Essex County Council and Tendring District Council to develop a Community Energy Society for the district. We want to set up a Community Energy Group for Tendring District which will enable local people to take positive action on climate change and create local energy saving & generation projects that put profits back into the local community.
Have you ideas for new projects in Tendring?
Sign up here to join us our free to attend webinar.
We are open to all suggestions from micro hydro to onshore wind. Experience shows that easiest likely projects will be:ground mounted or rooftop solar PV. Good solar sites would be:
Can you join us? The group will need local people who want to give something back to the community in Tendring, by creating jobs, growing energy generation projects and supporting householders to make their homes more eco-friendly, warm, cosy and future fit.
We also welcome people whose employers will give them time off to share their skills in contribution to communities.
The group will create a board of 8 directors and others will join as a volunteer executive team, either using existing skills or learning new ones to deliver exciting local projects to help local people.
Groups will become expert in creating energy generation projects for as well as signposting people to all sorts of energy help and grant funding for energy saving.
Can you volunteer a few hours per week to help make this happen.
“I have had more fun doing this community energy solar project than in all my years as an accountant”
– Jim, retired accountant from Northumberland
We are looking for people with skills in:
As part of a small, senior team you’ll:
If you have any questions or if you’re a local landowner looking for inspiration contact
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