Climate action and resilience training

Ensure you and your organisation or business are able to act insightfully and effectively when developing net zero climate strategies and actions. Formulate action plans for your home, workplace and community. The training also outlines community engagement techniques for climate action.

The core training is through the lens of community energy, but the course can be tailored to meet the specific needs of participants.

Really enjoyed the Climate Literacy Training. It was very good for creating an open forum for our team to discuss reducing our CO2 usage and energy consumption.

– Barry Allchin, Paxton Access

• Local councillors and officers

• Businesses

• Community groups and organisations

• Educational sector

Or individuals who want to feel more informed about the latest issues around climate change.

• The causes and effects of climate change.

• How you can be part of the solution to climate change.

• How to formulate action plans for your home, workplace and community.

• Feel motivated to take action!

Includes watching David Attenborough’s documentary “Climate change: the facts” before the course (1 hour) plus a short review and pledge form afterwards (1 hour).

£175.00 per person for local authorities, businesses or organisations.

£80.00 per person for individuals or community groups.

We currently have a number of free places funded by East Sussex County Council and Ouse Valley Climate Action for individuals or community groups within East Sussex (not Brighton & Hove) and the Ouse valley. Please contact us to check if you qualify.

If you would like to enquire about an exclusive course (8+ people), please contact us.

For upcoming training dates, location and direct links: book your place online.