Octopus Flexibility Tariffs
Do you want to find out all the different tariffs offered by Octopus and the meaning behind them?
Learn what exactly flexibility means for consumers and community energy groups and companies. And find the best tariffs for your client groups and for yourself.
This session will give an overview of:
Speakers will include:
Emma Fletcher
Kevin Thomas
Maximillian Laker (TBC)
Becki Pinchback (TBC)
Who should attend?
Anyone who gives energy advice, retrofit advice, energy champions
Those working with people in fuel poverty
Consumers with EVs, Roof top solar PV, Heat pumps, Batteries
Community Energy groups looking for ways to work with suppliers and engage/ maximise their impact.
We hope this will be a useful session that will enable energy advisors to help their clients get better deals, enable those who have retrofitted their homes to find better tariffs, community energy groups and or local authorities to find new business models or markets for generation projects, and anyone interested in finding Eco funding to support the less able to pay to retrofit. This could be interesting both for social landlords and small scale private landlords with tenants on benefits.
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