Leicestershire communities are invited to be part of a low carbon future

Communities across Leicestershire are being given the opportunity to be part of a new initiative that is helping the county to move towards a low-carbon future. The GreenerFuture Project which runs throughout 2025, is bringing local people, organisations and businesses together to develop community energy projects.  

Community energy is about communities having a stake in how we reduce energy use and generate renewable energy locally. Community energy organisations develop energy efficiency and renewable energy projects that also provide wider benefits for their community. These benefits may include generating funds for more community projects, creating green jobs and investment opportunities. 

Ben Dodd, a Director of Green Fox Community Energy said

We are very lucky to have the GreenerFuture initiative in Leicestershire. As part of it, there will be direct funding and support for community energy projects and organisations to build their scale and impact. We are in already in touch with many interested community groups and individuals and would like to hear from more. If you are based in Leicestershire the idea of community energy is something that you are interested in, we’d love to hear from you.”

GreenerFuture is being funded by Innovate UK and is being delivered by Leicestershire County Council, in partnership with  Green Fox Community Energy, an established community energy organisation in Leicestershire, Community Energy South that supports the community energy sector to build its scale and impact throughout the UK and the Energy Systems Catapult, that is developing a Local Area Energy Plan for the county. 

Find out more by emailing  greenerfuture@leicester.ac.uk  

Image: Hollycroft School, Share Offer solar scheme by GreenFox Community Energy.

Editors notes 

Community Energy South supports the community energy sector to build its scale and impact throughout the UK. They are bringing over a decade of experience, leading experts, extensive networks and partnerships, to support the development of community energy projects and organisations in Leicestershire. 

Green Fox Community Energy is Leicestershire’s leading community energy organisation. Established in 2012 by local people, it aims to increase community owned energy projects in Leicester and Leicestershire.