Our partners are a key to the success of community energy. We welcome new partners with a strong commitment to community energy and want to become a part of the movement.
Partners could be government departments, local suppliers, infrastructure organizations and energy innovators. Working together we can support communities and speed up the path to net zero.
Get in contact to find out how we can work together. We are stronger together.
Key partners

UK Power Networks
We developed Smart Communities with UK Power Networks, working with local community energy groups in the vicinity of major infrastructure projects. Through our stakeholder engagement, we put people at the heart of the energy system.

Buro Happold
We have worked with Buro Happold, a consultancy of engineers and designers, for many years. We deliver project design, stakeholder engagement, energy advice and planning for pilot projects like CommuniHeat, working alongside local community energy partners.

Scottish Gas Networks
Scottish Gas Networks (SGN) look after the gas network in the south of England and across Scotland. They exploring different ways to decarbonise home heating.

Community Energy England
Community Energy England (CEE) is a not for profit organisation established to provide a voice for the community energy sector. It creates the conditions within which the sector can flourish. CEE are increasing the profile of community energy and advocating for supportive policies at national and local levels.
We work in partnership with CEE and other regional organisations to support local community energy groups by delivering events, promoting campaigns and collaborating on projects.

South Downs National Park
The South Downs National Park (SDNP) had a network of communities that are interested in community energy. However, the sector is under developed and the park authority lacked experience in community energy. Working with our capacity building programme helped the National Park to realise the potential for community renewables. The park is working more effectively with local communities to support their transition to a low-carbon future.