We offer a step-by-step capacity building programme that includes community engagement, skills development, mentoring, project planning, governance and fundraising support.
Our programme is delivered over 2-3 years, during which time we raise additional funds to support groups so they can continue to grow.
Step 1 – Assessment and strategy can also be delivered as a standalone project.

Our capacity building programme is being delivered across several local authorities, including Luton, Suffolk, Central Bedfordshire, Leicestershire, Essex, Surrey and Hampshire. We have supported 48 community energy groups in 15 areas over the last five years.
Capacity building projects

Community Energy People
Growing the capacities of 11 local community energy groups by supporting them to recruit, develop, and retain new staff and volunteers.

Hampshire County Council
Community Energy Pathways are providing support to establish new community energy groups and projects in Hampshire.

Central Bedfordshire
Community Energy Pathways is supporting the following community energy groups in the Central Bedfordshire area: Buzz Community Energy, Greensand Community Energy and River Ivel Community Energy.

Essex County Council
Community Energy Pathways is working with Essex County Council to help develop community energy groups and projects in Essex.
Local authorities we work with

Once we are engaged, your local authority will become part of the Community Energy Pathways network. Through this network you can benefit from our national capacity building and funding activities.
We are keen to partner with local authorities to secure strategic funds and deliver energy projects. For Leicestershire’s GreenerFuture project, Community Energy Pathways was part of a consortia that secured £2.5m from the Strategic Innovation Fund. We are now delivering a comprehensive capacity building programmer across the county and helping to prepare a local area energy plan (LAEP).
Want to work with us?
We work with community groups, local authorities and key stakeholders in the sector. Get in touch to join one of our programmes.
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